
lactuca sativa

lettuce (Lactuca sativa): a temperate annual or biennial plant of the daisy family (daisy family - who knew?!)

likely the most utilized and visited item in our garden are the many varieties of lettuces. nearly everyday, we're able to enjoy a fresh salad. to run out in the morning to pick fresh greens and wash them up for a packed lunch is really quite wonderful and rewarding. cut lettuce relatively close to the soil, but be sure to leave enough stump to have access to sunlight for regrowth. that's right - new lettuce will come up! it will take a couple of weeks to catch up, so in addition to this, we've been sowing in other areas of the yard to create a continuous supply. photos above are
tom thumb heirloom (head) and mesclun baby greens.

through lettuce in particular, i've really come to realize the economical advantage of growing one's own food. we've been harvesting since early may on less than $5 worth of seeds. with the rising cost of food and fuel, backyard farming may well play a viable role as our nation and the world respond to these issues. being able to grow and eat our own organic greens has been worth it - economically, environmentally, and perhaps most importantly - gastronomically.

a beautifully reddish oak leaf lettuce -
from my mom's favorite seeds that she harvests herself.

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