
we're getting there

a sunny weekend brought about real progress in the garden. sunshine meant we were finally able to bring out all the goodies that have been taking refuge in the greenhouse. we planted...

tomatoes (11 varieties)

including "oregon spring"

red brussels sprouts

3 types of squash - black beauty,
yellow crookneck, and baby round

we also planted purple cauliflower (pronounced call-ee-flower - it's more fun that way) - you can see them at the top of the squash photo. here's what to expect come harvest time. and yes, those were brussels sprouts.

this weekend also brought about the emergence of potatoes - the green leaves are finally pushing through the soil. once they get a bit taller, we're supposed to cover the greens a bit and mound up a potato hill.

the strawberries are thriving - full of blossoms and some small green berries. getting excited about the sweet fruit we'll have in a few short weeks.

and lastly, the snap peas are coming along, huddled amongst some baby greens. brian pieced together a climb for them, by crisscrossing twine between the bamboo support structure.

it's supposed to rain tomorrow - a blessing in disguise - to replenish the rain barrels and give us a watering break. but hopefully the sun revisits us soon.

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